Tejon Street Revitalization Project is a collaboration between the City of Colorado Springs and the Downtown Partnership’s Downtown Development Authority. The project's goal is to boost outdoor dining space, public safety, accessibility and business activity. The first phase, Colorado Avenue to Kiowa Street, starts in March 2025 and should last four months.
Learn more about the project specifics and timeline on the project website:
Parking during the project and beyond: $1/hour!
During construction of block one (Colorado Avenue to Pikes Peak) and block two (Pikes Peak Avenue to Kiowa Street), diagonal parking on Tejon Street won’t be available.
We encourage downtown patrons to use the City-owned garages to access South Tejon Street businesses. Businesses in the project zone have vouchers for two free hours of City-owned garage parking at their business location.

Nevada & Colorado
130 S. Nevada Ave.
- Only one block from corner of Tejon and Colorado
- Enter from southbound South Nevada Avenue or eastbound Colorado Avenue

Nevada & Kiowa
127 E. Kiowa St.
- Only 1-2 blocks to the corner of Tejon and Kiowa
- Enter from east or westbound Kiowa Avenue (next to Mountain Metro Terminal)

Cascade & Bijou
215 N. Cascade Ave.
- Use the free Downtown “Zeb” shuttle
- Enter from northbound Cascade Avenue
Parking only $1/hour in City-owned garages, maximum of $12/day (or $6 if entered after 4 p.m.).
Free parking in City-owned garages and lots on Sundays.
Additional parking options
Surface Lot Locations
- Pikes Peak Lot (2515 W. Pikes Peak Ave.)
- Cucharras Lot (2422 W. Cucharras St.)
- Colorado Alley Lot (2617 W. Colorado Ave.)
- Pueblo 100 (Vermijo Avenue & Pueblo Avenue)
- Pueblo 200 (Pueblo Avenue & Weber Street)
On-street metered parking
Limited availability. $1.50/hour (use coins, credit card or the Park Mobile app)
Non-City owned parking options
- County garage
- Private parking lots