Land Use Review
The Land Use Review (LUR) Division, based out of downtown Colorado Springs, is committed to guiding patterns of development as laid out in our Comprehensive Plan. LUR staff works to interpret and apply the city code to serve the land use needs of residents, property owners, and developers. On a day-to-day basis, this division processes development applications for entitlements, reviews and issues various administrative permits, and provides zoning information to the public.
Meet our team below and learn what makes us feels connected to Colorado Springs!

Tamara Baxter
The majestic nature Pikes Peak-America’s Mountain makes me feel connected to the beautiful community of Colorado Springs; exploring the surrounding natural and manmade wonders installs a passion of being part of this remarkable area.

Katie Carleo, AICP
She/ Her/ Hers
I reach my peak when I am connected in creativity and conversation with those that want to make COS shine brighter!

Austin Cooper
He/ Him/ His
I feel most connected to the springs on the Pikes Peak Greenway. I love to run and bike so it offers a soft surface to run on and it can connect you anywhere in the springs through intersecting trails.

Kyle Fenner
She/ Her/ Hers
I reach my peak immersing myself in this amazing place I am blessed to call home. Pikes Peak is America’s Mountain and she is my mountain. I try to do it all “out there” and only want more. I feed my soul by being of service; the beauty of this place makes it easy.

Candy Fontecchio
She/ Her/ Hers
For me, this isn’t a location, but a state of mind. Through the work I do for the City and the 45 years of growth and change I’ve witnessed as a citizen of Colorado Springs, I feel connected no matter where I am.

Drew Foxx
He/ Him
I enjoy experiencing new adventures around the Pikes Peak Region with my fiance, my dog, my friends and my family.

William Gray
It is not a place, but a state of mind, a feeling, a vibe, a challenge, an effort, and the opportunities to reach it…so, I am still climbing.

Logan Hubble
He/ Him/ His
I enjoy backpacking with my fiancée (Shelby) and dog (Sprout).

Johnny Malpica AICP, LEED Green Associate
He/ Him/His
I reach my peak here in Colorado Springs hiking, biking, enjoying a coffee downtown, and hopefully not surprising to anyone, serving this great city of ours.

Caroline Miller
She/ Her/ Hers
I enjoy exploring the City's many parks, discovering new restaurants, and attending a wide range of community events!

Zachary Noyes
He/ Him/ His
I feel most connected to Colorado Springs while walking my dog through the grid of historic buildings, grabbing a quick coffee, or relaxing at the restaurants. I love being in the mix of people that represents a growing and diverse Colorado Springs.

Gabe Sevigny
He/ Him/ His
I enjoy Pulpit Rock, it is an easier hike, but when you reach the top there is a feeling of accomplishment, and view is stunning.

Cory Sharp, PLS

Allison Stocker, AICP
She/ Her/ Hers

Chris Sullivan
He/ him/His
When I am seeing new places and trying new things in Colorado Springs with my friends and family.

Michael Tassi, AICP
I feel the most connected when I am exploring the outdoors and beautiful scenery in my new City.