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Mayor Yemi Mobolade, Councilmember Nancy Henjum and Namdar Realty Group’s Asset Manager Kevin Chadrjian released the following statements following the decision of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board to remove the Citadel Mall from its off-limits areas and establishments list. 

Statement from Mayor Yemi: 

The decision to remove the Citadel Mall from the off-limits list, and institute a three-month probationary status, is a positive development for our community and underscores the power of radical collaboration. Thank you to 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson Commanding General MG David Doyle and the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board for recognizing the good faith effort of the Citadel Mall owners to make security improvements. This decision is the result of dedicated stakeholders joining together to make necessary changes and demonstrate a proactive approach to safety. By welcoming military families back to the Citadel Mall, we not only restore a sense of normalcy, but also reinforce the strong bond between the military community and Colorado Springs. It is crucial we maintain this momentum. By sustaining open communication and ongoing collaboration with all parties, we can continue to build a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Statement from Councilmember Nancy Henjum: 

I am pleased that the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board has heard our community's voice and responded to the ongoing efforts to support the Citadel Mall. I appreciate the commitment from Namdar Realty Group, owner of the Citadel Mall, and their staff for their continued efforts to address concerns and their willingness to implement creative solutions to ensure a successful path forward. I also extend my sincere gratitude to organizations like Men of Influence and Women of Impact for their invaluable contributions in fostering community involvement in this solution. It's heartening to witness the outpouring of support from Namdar, community partners, the Colorado Springs Police Department, the tenants, and the overall Colorado Springs community, demonstrating their love for the mall and their desire to see it thrive. This decision signifies a positive step forward for a vital part of our city. It allows us to create new memories and continue to build a brighter future in a safe and welcoming environment. Let's all remember the importance of ongoing personal responsibility and community engagement in ensuring the mall's continued success. 

Statement from Kevin Chadrjian, Namdar Realty Group, Asset Manager:  

Citadel Mall Ownership and Management have worked diligently to collaborate on solutions and implement the changes needed to welcome military members and their families back to the mall. We are proud of the progress made and grateful for the community's support in this effort. We recognize, too, that the military's decision remains linked to our continued proactivity and engagement with regards to safety and security. We look forward to demonstrating our ongoing commitment to the Citadel Mall and this community in the months to come. 

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