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On October 27th, 2022, the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) Domestic Violence/Adult Sexual Assault Unit (DVASA) initiated an investigation into a sexual assault that occurred on the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail behind the 1400 block of Culebra Avenue.  The suspect was described as a white male, 30-40 years old, six feet tall, average build, with short unkept facial hair (brown or blonde in color). The victim described a tattoo of a hummingbird on the back of the suspect’s left hand, between the thumb and index finger.

Composite sketches were completed based on the victim’s recollection of the suspect’s appearance.

DVASA Detectives are actively seeking to identify the suspect in this case. If you, or someone you know, may have information that could lead to the identification of this suspect, please contact the Colorado Springs Police Department at 719-444-7000 or the Pikes Peak Area Crimes Stoppers at 719-634-STOP (7867).

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