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The heart of a service member is not like everyone else's. It is as precious as gold, and as strong as a diamond. It is the heart of an American hero. 

Every day, all year long, we recognize those who have served. On Veterans Day, November 11, we pause to honor those who have sacrificed much to protect our most precious freedoms.

At the Veterans Day parade on Saturday, I had the great privilege to meet several veterans who call Colorado Springs home. Including 99-year-old Walter Knight who served in the United States Army Air Forces in WWII. Meeting Walter was humbling. And he’s not slowing down anytime soon!

There are an estimated 90,000 veterans who live in Colorado Springs. That’s roughly 17 percent of our population. To put that into perspective, the national average is 7 percent. We are also the proud home of five military installations. Our city has long supported its military families and veterans, and we will continue to create a city where our military and veteran families thrive.

Our community is blessed to have many veteran-related organizations supporting the unique issues faced by our women and men in uniform who have served our great nation with distinction. Home Front Military Network, Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center and the El Paso County Veterans Service Office represent a few of these great agencies and organizations. We appreciate their contributions and the countless others who serve those who have served.

Veterans comprise approximately 18% of the workforce at the City of Colorado Springs. I could not be prouder that the City continues to be named a Top 10 Military Friendly Employer and a Top 10 Military Spouse Friendly Employer.

We know hiring veterans and servicemembers is not just a good idea, it is the right thing to do, and it helps us succeed. We are a better organization because of the experience and skills that our veteran employees bring to work every day. And we are a better community because of their servant heart, love of country, and can-do attitude.

To all our veterans and their families, I SEE you. I salute you. I honor your sacrifice, service and love for this country. And I am proud that you have chosen Colorado Springs as your home. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for serving.

Mayor Yemi Mobolade
42nd Mayor of the City of Colorado Springs

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