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The City of Colorado Springs Housing and Community Vitality Department awarded $850,000 in competitive grants to local agencies serving our community’s most vulnerable residents. Funds are provided annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist low to moderate income individuals and families. Awards support the City’s strategic priorities to prevent homelessness, increase housing choice and promote public safety. See below for lists of the recipient organizations, award amounts and intended areas of impact.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services Awards ($450,000) 

  • Catholic Charities of Central Colorado – homelessness prevention ($30,000)  
  • Community Partnership for Child Development – early childhood education ($35,000)  
  • Lutheran Family Services – homelessness prevention for children ($30,000)  
  • Greccio Housing – eviction prevention assistance ($25,000)  
  • Forge Evolution – counseling for justice-involved youth ($70,000)  
  • Colorado Legal Services – keep seniors and people with disabilities housed ($48,000)  
  • Serenity Recovery Connection – substance abuse and behavioral counseling ($70,000)  
  • Colorado Springs Fire Department – end the jail-to-street cycle ($92,000)  
  • Kingdom Builders Family Life Center – youth violence prevention program ($50,000)  

 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Awards ($400,000)  

  • Family Promise – family homelessness prevention ($30,000) 
  • Kingdom Builders – rapid rehousing for survivors of domestic violence ($45,000) 
  • The Place – youth emergency shelter services ($75,000) 
  • Springs Rescue Mission – low-barrier emergency shelter ($50,000) 
  • Community Health Partnership – Homeless Management Information System ($100,000)  

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awards grant funds by formula to jurisdictions every year. Cities and counties determine priorities for the use of these funds through research and public engagement.  For more information on CDBG and ESG grants, and how to partner with the City, can be found at

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