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Work on three century-old bridges largely complete

North Cheyenne Canyon Road in North Cheyenne Cañon Park will reopen to park visitors starting June 4. The road has been closed to visitors while three aging bridges were reconstructed to address public safety.

“We would like to thank neighboring residents and park users for their patience during this truly historic project that has replaced three bridges all more than a century old that were at risk of failing in North Cheyenne Cañon Park,” said Gayle Sturdivant, Colorado Springs deputy public works director. “Despite the complexity of this project and working conditions in the canyon, we are pleased to be reopening the road in close range of our initial timeline and hope park users have a fantastic summer enjoying all that North Cheyenne Cañon has to offer.”

Masonry and other finishing work on the bridges will take place through the end of June. Park visitors should be aware of the possible occasional weekday use of flaggers and construction equipment on and around the bridges. Some parking areas will remain closed while work around the bridges and the Mount Cutler trailhead completes.

Summer is a popular time to recreate in North Cheyenne Cañon. Visitors should be aware of heavy traffic on the park road and should only park in designated areas. Parking on the road and in shoulders is illegal and vehicles that do so will be ticketed.

The complete reconstruction of the bridges (project map) began in late September 2021. By proactively replacing these structures before they failed, costs were managed, work was able to be planned efficiently, and impacts to the natural resources were minimized. This project cost approximately $6 million and was funded by a grant and the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA).

More information about the bridge replacement project is available at


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