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On October 27, 2022, at about 7:36 a.m., a female was jogging on the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail near Uintah Street when she was attacked by an unknown male suspect who was armed with a knife. The suspect sexually assaulted the victim. During the sexual assault, the victim fought back and sustained an injury to her arm caused by the suspect's knife. The suspect then fled on foot. Patrol officers responded to the area and were unable to locate the suspect.

The suspect was described as a white male, between 30 and 40 years old with a medium build. He is approximately 6 feet tall with an unkept beard, and he was wearing a dark beanie, dark jacket, and dark pants. Victim stated the suspect was dirty and smelled of alcohol. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of her injuries. Detectives with the Domestic Violence/Adult Sexual Assault Unit are investigating.

Anyone who knows the suspects or has information about these crimes is encouraged to contact Pikes Peak area Crimestoppers at 719-634-STOP (7867) or call the Colorado Springs Police Department at 719-444-7000.

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