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Bulldozers signal the beginning of work to replace two bridges that have seen their fair share of flooding and erosion along the Sand Creek. The first phase of demolition of the Platte Avenue Bridges over Sand Creek is underway this week as the southern-most side of the bridges is removed to make way for a single, wider bridge and the addition of sidewalks along both sides of Platte Avenue over the creek. To keep traffic flowing across Platte Avenue work to replace the bridge will take place in phases through May 2022.

One eastbound travel lane will remain in place as the southern side of the bridge is rebuilt. Travelers should expect delays and may consider alternate routes. Please use caution when passing through the construction area and follow traffic signs.

The new bridge will expand from four to six travel lanes to accommodate future growth along one of the city’s main east/west mobility corridors.  Signalizing the intersection at Space Center Drive is part of the project and will improve access to surrounding neighborhoods. Construction will also accommodate the future Sand Creek Regional Trail under the Platte Avenue Bridge.

The bridge replacement project is the second of two major infrastructure projects, the first, was emergency work to prevent further erosion of Sand Creek immediately south of Platte Avenue after a drop structure was damaged by flooding in 2008. Thanks in part to a recent federal grant, work to stabilize and rebuild the channel, restore the natural habitat along the creek was complete in 2018. This improved the quality of water reaching our downstream neighbors and protected the Platte Avenue Bridges from further damage until they could be replaced.

Funding to replace the Platte Avenue Bridges totals approximately $14 million, funded in part by the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority and a federal grant.