Reporting Spills
Reporting Spills and Illegal Dumping (Illicit Discharge)
When reporting a spill or potential environmental code violation, please provide the following:
- Your name, address, phone number, and email address
- Location of the spill such as property address, intersection, waterway
- Material that has been spilled, if known
- Date and time of the spill
- Person/entity responsible for the spill
Non-Emergency Spill Reporting

- Stormwater Enterprise: 719-385-5980
- Spill Hotline: 719-491-6096
- Report an issue online or on the mobile app
Examples of Non-Emergency Spills
- Residential spills and illegal dumping of yard waste, etc.
- Spills less than 5 gallons that do not reach inlets
- Stormwater discharges from construction sites
- Non-hazardous wastes deposited in streets
- Concrete wash water
Emergency Spill Reporting
- 911 for life threatening emergency, Dispatch for all other: 719-444-7000
Examples of Emergency Spills:
- Involves a vehicle accident
- Unknown liquids reach inlet/creek
- Involves a fire
- Any spill that has or may impact Waters of the State*
- Releases from storage tanks
- Sewage
- Illicit connections
- Grease interceptor overflows
- Chemical spills
Other Spill Reporting
Spills that reach Waters of the State*
*Waters of the State include: surface water, ground water, dry gullies, storm sewers leading directly to surface water.
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE): 1-877-518-5608
Accidental Discharges to Sanitary Sewer
- Colorado Springs Utilities: 719-448-4800
Petroleum Releases from Storage Tanks
- Colorado Springs Fire Department Dispatch: 719-444-7000
- State Oil Inspector:1-303-318-8525
- After hours contact CDPHE: 1-877-518-5608
Releases from Oil Pipeline
- 911 for life threatening emergency, Dispatch for all other: 719-444-7000
- US Department of Transportation Office of Pipeline Safety: 1-202-366-4595
- National Response Center (NRC): 1-800-424-8802
- If spill reaches Waters of the State contact CDPHE: 1-877-518-5608
Radiological Accidents, Incidents and Events
- Business hours contact Laboratory and Radiation Services Division: 1-303-692-3300
- After hours contact CDPHE: 1-877-518-5608
For additional guidance for industrial facilities based on spill type, visit CDPHE's website.
What is Illicit Discharge?
Illicit Discharge
An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the city’s stormwater system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Common illicit discharges include:

- Improper disposal of vehicle fluids including radiator fluid, motor oil, and gasoline
- Improper disposal of household chemicals including paint and detergents
- Cross connections: Sanitary sewer lines that are tied to the storm sewer system
- Illegal dumping into the storm drain system including residential waste and industrial facility discharges
- Wash out from concrete trucks
- Leaking grease traps at restaurant facilities
- Grease from household cooking
Allowable Discharge
The following sources of non stormwater discharges are excluded from the definition illicit discharge:
- Landscape irrigation water & lawn watering
- Diverted stream flows
- Uncontaminated ground water
- Foundation drains, footing drains, and underdrain systems
- Air conditioning condensation
- Springs
- Water from crawl space pumps
- Individual residential car washing
- Individual residential swimming pool and hot tub discharges
- Water-line flushing
- Water incidental to street sweeping that is not associated with construction
Proper Use and Disposal
Use and Dispose of Chemicals Properly
- Recycle! The county's Household Hazardous Waste Facility accepts numerous materials for FREE! Call 719-520-7878
- Dispose Properly: Keep paint and chemicals out of street or storm drain.
- Check Your Car: Leaking oil and car fluids pollute our water
- Use a Commercial Car Wash: Keep soap and wax out of our waterways
Learn How to Properly Dispose of Waste
- Commercial Carpet Cleaning
- Directional Boring
- Oil and Automotive Fluids
- Paint Disposal
- Power Washing
- Restaurant Best Management Practices | (En Español)
Other Resources
More Information
- Colorado Springs Utilities, Xeriscape Office (pesticide/plant alternatives): 719-448-4555
- Colorado Springs Utilities, Industrial Pretreatment: 719-448-4360
- Colorado State University Cooperative Extension (pesticide alternatives): 719-636-8921