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Together CSPD 

Together COS is a new public safety program enabling the people of Colorado Springs to help keep their community safe.

Your voluntary participation will greatly enhance law enforcement’s ability to identify and hold responsible those individuals who victimize our community. Right now, all we are asking our community members to do is let us know if you have surveillance cameras and a way to notify you if a crime occurs near you. If something happens to your neighbor, CSPD will then digitally notify you requesting your help in gathering evidence from your cameras. Together COS allows our community members to continue to take care of each other in the digital camera age.  60 seconds of your time today might help solve a crime where you live tomorrow.

In the future, we hope to increase the number of voluntarily integrated cameras, which will enhance emergency preparedness by enabling police, fire, and public safety professionals to better assess and rapidly respond to criminal activity and emergency situations.

Just the Facts

See this section for further information about the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Together Colorado Springs. Through videos and a FAQ section, the Colorado Springs Police Department explains more specific details of this program, the partnership with Fusus, and how we hope Together Colorado Springs leverages technology and an amazing community to keep this being the best city in Colorado.

Learn More

Camera Registration

Ready to help out your neighbors and your community? Go here to register your cameras with the Colorado Springs Police Department. Camera registration takes less than one minute via the secure online portal. Registering your cameras DOES NOT allow the police department or anyone else access to your cameras; it simply allows the police department to know where there are cameras across our city.

Register Here 

Camera Integration

Are you an area business and want to purchase equipment that will allow the Colorado Springs Police Department direct access to your camera feed? Go here to learn more about how you can do that. DISCLAIMER: Camera integration requires a purchase from Fusus. Additionally, integrated cameras will not be monitored by the police department and are for emergency purposes only.

Integrate Here

My Account

View existing accounts here.