Explore Forestry
Forestry Code, Rules, and Regulations
Free mulch available
City Forestry offers free mulch to the public when we generate more than what our parks use. The bin is first-come, first-serve, and you will need to bring your own tools for loading. In order to help provide a consistent supply for our private residents, use by commercial operations is prohibited. The mulch pile is located across the street from the Forestry building at 1601 Recreation Way, on the west side of the street.

About our Urban Forest

Urban Forest Management Plan
The Urban Forest Management Plan provides a forum for community engagement, a shared vision, and a strategic, long-term road map for the management of Colorado Springs' urban forest.

Tree Canopy Assessment
The City of Colorado Springs’ City Forestry division has released the results of our first-ever urban tree canopy assessment.

Tree Inventory
City Forestry manages a living infrastructure of approximately 130,000 urban street trees and 20,000 park trees. An inventory of all tree assets is being completed as funding allows.
A Living Investment
City Forestry manages a living infrastructure of approximately 130,000 urban street trees and 20,000 park trees.
Mission: To manage our urban forest in a healthy, safe, and sustainable state, which maintains our original forest legacy, manages risk, and increases the canopy coverage for shade, stormwater retention and property value.
What we care for: Trees in the urban forest and the native forest of the wildland urban interface, including trees on street right of way and medians, urban parks, trail corridors, open spaces and regional parks.
What we do: Prune, remove, plant, inspect City trees for optimal health of our urban forests.
Colorado Springs’ urban forest canopy includes trees on public and private properties. This living infrastructure shades over 17% of the community and provides economic, environmental, and aesthetic benefits: $100 million annually in air filtration, $900,000 in stormwater retention, $2 million in carbon sequestration, and incalculable moments of beauty and serenity. Our legacy of trees is 150 years old and still growing!
2024 Tree Planting
City Forestry plants trees in parks and medians as funding allows. In 2024, Forestry plans to plant an estimated 49 trees citywide, including 22 on the Flintridge medians (funded by The Dalton Family Foundation), 17 trees on the Cascade medians (funded by the North End Woodlands), and 10 trees in various neighborhood parks across the city.