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Northbound Tejon Street, between Colorado Avenue and Pikes Peak Avenue, will close starting on Monday, March 24 through late June, as the Tejon Street Revitalization Project begins. 

Motorists and pedestrians can expect:

  • Closure to vehicles of northbound Tejon Street on Block 1 (Colorado Avenue to Pikes Peak Avenue)
  • Preservation of southbound Tejon Street for vehicle travel
  • Closure of street parking in Block 1 (Parking costs $1/hour at three City garages)
  • Note that Block 2 (Pikes Peak Avenue to Kiowa Street) should retain on-street parking and north-south traffic until further notice.
  • Closures of lefthand and righthand turns from Colorado onto northbound Tejon
  • Mountain Metro’s ZEB route will continue with a northbound detour, and the northbound stop on Tejon at Colorado will be removed temporarily during work on Block 1
  • On March 25, crews are expected to remove the trees on Tejon Street between Colorado Avenue and Kiowa Street. Please allow room for crews in two large trucks to work. Parking will be temporarily restricted while tree work is ongoing.

Temporary pedestrian walkways will be established to maintain safe access to local businesses in the project zone. Businesses plan to remain open.  

Parking on the first block of construction cannot be permitted for safety reasons. City parking garages offer parking for $1/hour, as well as free on all Sundays. Impacted businesses will offer limited vouchers to customers, worth two free hours of City garage parking. More information on parking options during the project can be found at

Construction on Block 1 of the project is expected to continue through late June. Work then moves to Block 2, between Pikes Peak Avenue and Kiowa Street. 

The project boosts public safety, increases accessibility and grows business activity. It is scheduled for completion by the end of the calendar year. For more information about the project and to sign up for newsletters, visit

Detour map of the routes around the Tejon St. Revitalization Project. Southbound Tejon is open and northbound Tejon is closed, with detours on Colorado Ave, Cascade Ave, and Pikes Peak Ave.

Tejon St. Revitalization Project northbound detour map.

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